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Analyzing Microsoft Dynamics: What Should You Expect from a Software Analyst Engagement?

If you've worked in the software industry for any length of time chances are you've come across the work of a software industry analyst. Perhaps you've read a white paper, or attended a lecture, or read their quotes in the press. With the increase of software and technology in all facets of modern business, coupled with the explosion of the blogosphere, it's hard not to come in contact (be it knowingly or unknowingly) with analysts and their work.

But the fact that analysts are seemingly ubiquitous these days, it can be easy to view them as just another information source competing for mindshare. And it can be increasingly difficult to understand the real value that analysts offer to their clients.

Fact of that matter, analysts can play a critical role in various businesses at key decision points, whether you're a customer selecting a major new software solution, an ISV making its next product maneuver, or a partner trying to advise its customer on an implementation decision. Working with the correct analyst and with the right expectations can make the difference between winning and losing. Working with the wrong analyst, or approaching an analyst engagement with the wrong expectations is likely to feel like a waste of time and money.


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