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Quick and Dirty Code to Create and Post Counting Journals in Dynamics AX

A couple of guys asked me for code to import inventory in to ax using Counting journals... so here goes..

I basically created a table, called StockLevelImport and added basic fields to it such as itemid, location, warehouse, size,colour and quantity.. Notice: other dimensions such as config, batch were not added..however you can easily do so if you like.

The following bit of code was use to import the stock file in to ax (basically import a csv file)

static int importFromFile()


CommaIo fileIn;

StockLevelImport stockLevelImport;

container fileInCon;

FileIOPermission perm;

int recordsInserted;



// the macro holds the full file name

recordsInserted = 0;

perm = new FileIOPermission(#stockLevelImportFile,'r');

if (perm == null)


error("FileIoPermission error");

return 0;


// Grants permission to execute the method.

// runs under code access security.


fileIn = new CommaIo(#stockLevelImportFile,'r');

delete_from stockLevelImport; // clear table before import




while(fileIn.status() == IO_Status::Ok)


fileInCon = connull();

fileInCon =;

stockLevelImport.ItemId = conpeek(fileInCon,1);

stockLevelImport.InventLocationId = conpeek(fileInCon,2);

stockLevelImport.WMSLocationId = conpeek(fileInCon,3);

stockLevelImport.InventQty = conpeek(fileInCon,4);

stockLevelImport.InventColorId = conpeek(fileInCon,6);

stockLevelImport.InventSizeId = conpeek(fileInCon,5);

if(fileIn.status() == IO_Status::Ok) // to prevent the last insert







return recordsInserted;


The code below is where meat of the operations are performed..

void countIt()


date transDate;

StockLevelImport stockLevelImport;

inventJournalName iJournalName;

InventJournalTable iJournalTable;

InventJournalTrans iJournalTrans;

real line;

Numberseq numberseq;

InventJournalCheckPost checkPost;

SysOperationProgress prog;

int progTot;// total count for progress bar

int ss;

InventTable inventTable;

InventTableModule inventTableModule;

inventdim idimm;


transDate = systemdateget();


line = 1.00;

select count(RecId) from stockLevelImport;

progTot = stockLevelImport.RecId;

prog = SysOperationProgress::newGeneral(#aviStopWatch,"Adding Stock...", progTot);

numberseq = Numberseq::newGetNumFromCode(InventParameters::numRefInventJournalId().NumberSequence);

iJournalName = inventJournalName::find(InventParameters::find().CountJournalNameId);

if(iJournalName.RecId == 0)

throw error("NO counting journal Name foud");



iJournalTable.JournalId = numberseq.num();

iJournalTable.Reservation = ItemReservation::Automatic;

iJournalTable.SystemBlocked = NoYes::Yes;



inventTableModule = null;

stockLevelImport = null;

// while select inventtable

while select stockLevelImport where stockLevelImport.InventQty

join Price from inventTableModule where inventTableModule.ItemId == stockLevelImport.ItemId && inventTableModule.ModuleType == ModuleInventPurchSales::Invent





iJournalTrans.LineNum = line;

iJournalTrans.CostAmount = decround((stockLevelImport.InventQty * inventTableModule.Price),2);

iJournalTrans.CostPrice = inventTableModule.Price;

iJournalTrans.Counted = stockLevelImport.InventQty;

iJournalTrans.InventDimId = this.getDim();

if(iJournalTrans.InventDimId == "")


info("cannot create dimension for item " + iJournalTrans.ItemId);



iJournalTrans.JournalType = iJournalTable.JournalType;

iJournalTrans.PriceUnit = 1.0;

iJournalTrans.ProfitSet = CostProfitSet::Standard; // Standard

iJournalTrans.ProjSalesPrice = 0.0;

iJournalTrans.Qty = stockLevelImport.InventQty;

iJournalTrans.TransDate = transDate;

iJournalTrans.ItemId = stockLevelImport.ItemId;




info("Dimenstions not specified for item " + iJournalTrans.ItemId);





info("Could not validate write");





// progress bar

prog.setText("Item : " + stockLevelImport.ItemId);


} // end while on Lines

iJournalTable.NumOfLines = line;


// Posting the Journal:

prog.setText("creating inventJournal...hold on");


if(BOX::yesNo("Do you want to post the Journal? " ,DialogButton::Yes) == DialogButton::Yes)


checkPost = InventJournalCheckPost::newJournalCheckPost(JournalCheckPostType::Post,iJournalTable);;


iJournalTable.SystemBlocked = NoYes::No;




info("Lines posted = " + int2str(ss));


And finally a small method to find the correct inventDimId that is to be used on the journal Line.

InventDimId getDim()



if(!stockLevelImport.InventLocationId || ! stockLevelImport.WMSLocationId)

return "";


return "";

idimm = null;

idimm.InventLocationId = stockLevelImport.InventLocationId;

idimm.wMSLocationId = stockLevelImport.WMSLocationId;

idimm.InventColorId = stockLevelImport.InventColorId;

idimm.InventSizeId = stockLevelImport.InventSizeId;

return inventdim::findOrCreate(idimm).InventDimId;


- Mohammed Rasheed

View the original article here

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