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Breaking Down Information Silos Between Manufacturing and Design: A New Approach to CAD/ERP Data Integration

What would it be like if you discovered a critical error in a product about to go to market – all because the wrong information was transcribed into your ERP system?

What would a mistake of this magnitude cost you in terms of materials losses? Worse, in terms of lost orders? Worse yet, in terms of lost clients?

It’s a fact: to create a great product, both design and manufacturing teams urgently require up-to-date, perfectly synchronized data. Despite this need, many manufacturers - including those who make ETO (Engineered-To-Order) and/or BTO (Built-To-Order) products - still use manual or inadequate CAD / ERP data integration techniques that just don’t cut it.

The success or failure of your business can revolve around your ability to communicate information between all of your teams: from design, manufacturing, purchasing, estimating, costing, accounting, all the way through to sales, marketing, customer service and shipping. To avoid costly mistakes, you need to ensure the seamless transfer of information between those people on these teams that critically need it.

This white paper covers:

The importance of the Bill of Materials (BoM);Issues with Computer Aided Design (CAD) / ERP data integration; Two distinct approaches to CAD-ERP data integration, and how they can benefit both ETO (Engineered-to-order) and BTO (Built-to-order) product manufacturers;What to look for when selecting a CAD-to-ERP integration solution;

View the original article here

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