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A Solution for Bringing Corporate Business Information to Mobile Devices

The speedy dissemination of mobile computers has created a need for a platform, which makes it possible to handle the new wave of mobile, administrative solutions in a systematic way.

Traditional solutions for mobile computers have required large investments, both in time, money and human resources. It has also resulted in hardcoded solutions with little flexibility, based on proprietary technology.

We have experienced over the last several years that the answer is to develop mobile solutions in a coherent narrative environment based on a standard technology platform. Today such an environment exists in the form of ExpandIT Business Application Server (BAS®) based on Microsoft technology.

This white paper will go through the following areas: Fundamental qualities of a platform for mobile, administrative solutions;Alternative strategies and an evaluation of their strong and weak points;Demands on leaders, developers and administrative staff in connection with mobile solutionsAdvantages with an integrated platform for mobile solutions.

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