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Beyond the Online Transaction: Ramping Up E-Commerce Revenue with Microsoft Dynamics

Businesses with a serious e-commerce strategy know by now that it's not enough to just buy an e-commerce transaction engine. Without a strong order-management process, smart automation, and solid online marketing capabilities, it becomes increasingly difficult to compete in today's marketplace.

According to Microsoft Gold Partner Ignify's CEO Sandeep Walia, the real opportunity is in ramping up the customer's entire e-commerce business. 

"Typically our customers already have e-commerce stores and they're doing about 50 to 5,000 orders a day, so they need an automated solution," Walia said. "The companies are looking to automate, so when orders come in they automatically flow into the ERP system and they flow in automatically to shipping so they [companies] don't have to do a lot of touch points."

Ignify offers consulting and e-commerce implementation services for ERP and CRM initiatives for mid-market and enterprise businesses. Ignify's e-commerce system integrates with Microsoft Dynamics GP, AX, SL, NAV as well as Dynamics CRM.

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